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Let’s engineer a miracle! It’s the eleventh episode so how could we not reflect on the number 1? Such as the concept of oneness, and the few who hold power called the 1%.
In our continued quest to know how to build better communities, we discuss how we allow other people’s children to go hungry, poor, sick, and alone. What is this concept of “other”? Why aren’t all children “OUR” children? How can we begin to extend our empathy beyond self, to see what we allow to happen to others or the environment is also happening to us?
Beyond the science that we are biologically, chemically, and atomically connected, and that we all need the same things, to love and be loved, good health and to matter, what does it take for us to feel truly connected as “ONE”? Better yet, how can we tap into our “swarm” mentality like fish or birds to coordinate action collectively to solve some of the world's biggest issues? Some clues we get is using the simple model of money, megaphone and minutes to merge the gap between the 1% and Oneness. And the epic advice that it isn’t what you do that builds a better community, it’s how you are BEING.
Caroline Boudreaux is the founder of Miracle where for the past 20 years they have been empowering orphans and vulnerable children to reach their full potential. Miracle Foundation’s revolutionary Thrive Scale™ methodology is based on the UN Rights of the Child and leverages data and technology to create a family for every child in our lifetime. To date Miracle Foundation has impacted 15,000+ children’s lives.
Caroline is a popular speaker on the topics of “Reimagining Philanthropy: Social Impact vs. Charity,” “Social Entrepreneurship: Creating Social Change in the For-Profit Sector” and “Engineering a Miracle: Using Money for Meaning and Impact.”
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Again, thanks to composer Adrian Berenguer for supplying our theme music titled 'JOY' available on his album The Art of Loneliness - available on Apple Music Here
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