It is refreshing to see this. Reminds me of Russell Ackoff’s work, Peter Senge, Dr. W.Edwards Deming, from years ago. And now Dr. Bandi X. Lee who is developing a “One World or None” curriculum, an integration of Psychology and Spirituality. Then there is The Genuine Progress Indicator which in July 2021, Representative Ilhan Omar introduced the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) Act of 2021 (H.R.4894) during the 117th Congress. This legislation aimed to establish the GPI as a metric for assessing the well-being of households, offering an alternative to traditional measures like Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This brings hope in our dark time.
This is exactly the perspective we need to carry on in hard times. Sky shows us how we can make a difference for the better in the face of destruction.
I like where you're going with this, and i hope it catches on. But, I have my doubts as to whether many can or even want to find this type of enlightenment, but that shouldn't mean don't try. I admire your intelligence, you are a gifted speaker, evidently. And i see your ability to help your readers follow your concept along. I will follow you.
So grateful that this is finally resonating. My mother @Michelle Terrill Heath (check out her Substack) always says I speak in Sky-ro-gliphics. So it’s refreshing that the years of work of to make it accessible is finally landing. It took a team- that’s all I can say. It is natural and healthy to doubt. I am holding possibility for certain probabilities that exist, but at the end of the day - nature will prevail - either to incline or compel us to be part of the holistic plan - since we are just one cell in a greater body of work. Your input and expression have great value. Thank you.
I wonder that the entire terrifying complexity of the problems facing humanity could be described as one thing: the common and comforting delusion that these problems are caused by some 'other' thing, and that we simply need gain enough control over the 'other' to make it act as it should, problem solved. If not, at least we know who/what to blame: not us!
Two books that really knocked the idea above into my brain: 'Restoring the Kinship Worldview' (Darcia Narvaez/Four Arrows). The book suggests the dominant worldview that considers human being beings separate from some other thing called 'Nature' that must be fought and controlled is the source of all our modern woes. Instead, it suggests a return to the understanding that humans are indeed part of nature, that 'truth' becomes a less confusing matter when one understands that one is entirely immersed and connected to 'Nature', a great many truths will be taught to those that pay it close attention. Each chapter in the book starts with the words of an indigenous person expressing one of these truths/values, for example 'Words are Sacred (Truthfulness)', with discussion following between the authors. It features a table contrasting the two worldviews that is quite similar to that above. So heartening to see ideas like the above considered 'radical' or unattainable may actually simply be very old and also very human.
The other 'Sand Talk' by Tyson Yunkaporta. Two very old truths presented here: The reality of the existence of a single human is not stored only in that body and brain, but as information distributed in a time/space network of nodes that include the places that person has been, actions performed, people known, kin relations, relationships with other beings, books read, games played, etc. And that a society of course has a large number of such individuals that act as nodes in that wider network. The quality/resilience of the society of course depends on quality nodes, but most important is the quality of the relationships between the nodes, and the diversity between them. It follows that each node must expect to be CHANGED by their relationship to others! The nodes in both 'model's depend on the relationships not only for their quality, but for their existence... And hell, we already know that Nature has been quite clear that incest don't lead to optimal results... why should we be so committed to intellectual incest as the best method for exploring reality?
Hugh Brody wrote great stuff in "Maps and Dreams" and "The Other Side of Eden" as well. My favourites 1) that the idea of a 'lie' sometimes doesn't even have a word in the language of other peoples, the closest words something like 'mistaken' or 'incorrect'. Veracity is so important that there is a significant difference between relating one's actual experience, and repeating a story one has heard! =) 2) Hunter/Gatherer cultures he worked with don't consider choices based on 'yes/no' binaries informed by static 'facts', but as a constellation of probabilities, which change contextually in real time. As someone classified 'ADHD', it was nice to learn this 'symptom' of mine may not actually represent factual proof that I have a disease/disorder caused by a dysfunctional brain that doesnt' work properly....
A lot of words to say the ideas above really resonate with me and that I'm glad my brain is OK believing that all evidence supports the conclusion that a modern society based upon the above ideals is 110% impossible, AND ALSO that the sort of values and ideas above represent a basic truth of the way worth living! Like, y'know, the RIGHT way, not that other, WRONG way.... =)
Keep writing! Perhaps that these ideas are so old, so human, so decent and also so revolutionary that our present context implies an extremely high probability they will travel a great deal throughout the network of consciousness inseparable from the whole of the natural reality of existence. Rock on.
We discuss this at EMERGE. The case for this is hopefully the extractive amount of energy it takes will be surpassed by its need for quantum computing, free energy (fusion) and computing power that will correct the damage in an accelerated way that will correct over 100 years of damage all at once. That is the path, we hold a space for.
It is refreshing to see this. Reminds me of Russell Ackoff’s work, Peter Senge, Dr. W.Edwards Deming, from years ago. And now Dr. Bandi X. Lee who is developing a “One World or None” curriculum, an integration of Psychology and Spirituality. Then there is The Genuine Progress Indicator which in July 2021, Representative Ilhan Omar introduced the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) Act of 2021 (H.R.4894) during the 117th Congress. This legislation aimed to establish the GPI as a metric for assessing the well-being of households, offering an alternative to traditional measures like Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This brings hope in our dark time.
Thank you so much for your contribution to this concept. Great stuff to unpack here.
This is exactly the perspective we need to carry on in hard times. Sky shows us how we can make a difference for the better in the face of destruction.
this was a really great piece. i love all the overlaps with Buddhism, while keeping space for everything else.
Thank you so much for your contribution to this P
andora's box conversation. Emergence is a concept for the people, as it requires all the parts to make a whole!
I like where you're going with this, and i hope it catches on. But, I have my doubts as to whether many can or even want to find this type of enlightenment, but that shouldn't mean don't try. I admire your intelligence, you are a gifted speaker, evidently. And i see your ability to help your readers follow your concept along. I will follow you.
Thank you.
So grateful that this is finally resonating. My mother @Michelle Terrill Heath (check out her Substack) always says I speak in Sky-ro-gliphics. So it’s refreshing that the years of work of to make it accessible is finally landing. It took a team- that’s all I can say. It is natural and healthy to doubt. I am holding possibility for certain probabilities that exist, but at the end of the day - nature will prevail - either to incline or compel us to be part of the holistic plan - since we are just one cell in a greater body of work. Your input and expression have great value. Thank you.
I wonder that the entire terrifying complexity of the problems facing humanity could be described as one thing: the common and comforting delusion that these problems are caused by some 'other' thing, and that we simply need gain enough control over the 'other' to make it act as it should, problem solved. If not, at least we know who/what to blame: not us!
Two books that really knocked the idea above into my brain: 'Restoring the Kinship Worldview' (Darcia Narvaez/Four Arrows). The book suggests the dominant worldview that considers human being beings separate from some other thing called 'Nature' that must be fought and controlled is the source of all our modern woes. Instead, it suggests a return to the understanding that humans are indeed part of nature, that 'truth' becomes a less confusing matter when one understands that one is entirely immersed and connected to 'Nature', a great many truths will be taught to those that pay it close attention. Each chapter in the book starts with the words of an indigenous person expressing one of these truths/values, for example 'Words are Sacred (Truthfulness)', with discussion following between the authors. It features a table contrasting the two worldviews that is quite similar to that above. So heartening to see ideas like the above considered 'radical' or unattainable may actually simply be very old and also very human.
The other 'Sand Talk' by Tyson Yunkaporta. Two very old truths presented here: The reality of the existence of a single human is not stored only in that body and brain, but as information distributed in a time/space network of nodes that include the places that person has been, actions performed, people known, kin relations, relationships with other beings, books read, games played, etc. And that a society of course has a large number of such individuals that act as nodes in that wider network. The quality/resilience of the society of course depends on quality nodes, but most important is the quality of the relationships between the nodes, and the diversity between them. It follows that each node must expect to be CHANGED by their relationship to others! The nodes in both 'model's depend on the relationships not only for their quality, but for their existence... And hell, we already know that Nature has been quite clear that incest don't lead to optimal results... why should we be so committed to intellectual incest as the best method for exploring reality?
Hugh Brody wrote great stuff in "Maps and Dreams" and "The Other Side of Eden" as well. My favourites 1) that the idea of a 'lie' sometimes doesn't even have a word in the language of other peoples, the closest words something like 'mistaken' or 'incorrect'. Veracity is so important that there is a significant difference between relating one's actual experience, and repeating a story one has heard! =) 2) Hunter/Gatherer cultures he worked with don't consider choices based on 'yes/no' binaries informed by static 'facts', but as a constellation of probabilities, which change contextually in real time. As someone classified 'ADHD', it was nice to learn this 'symptom' of mine may not actually represent factual proof that I have a disease/disorder caused by a dysfunctional brain that doesnt' work properly....
A lot of words to say the ideas above really resonate with me and that I'm glad my brain is OK believing that all evidence supports the conclusion that a modern society based upon the above ideals is 110% impossible, AND ALSO that the sort of values and ideas above represent a basic truth of the way worth living! Like, y'know, the RIGHT way, not that other, WRONG way.... =)
Keep writing! Perhaps that these ideas are so old, so human, so decent and also so revolutionary that our present context implies an extremely high probability they will travel a great deal throughout the network of consciousness inseparable from the whole of the natural reality of existence. Rock on.
We discuss this at EMERGE. The case for this is hopefully the extractive amount of energy it takes will be surpassed by its need for quantum computing, free energy (fusion) and computing power that will correct the damage in an accelerated way that will correct over 100 years of damage all at once. That is the path, we hold a space for.