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As a Psychologist, former family man, thirty year CEO, former Fire Officer, Lecturer and Community Project worker, I offer this pragmattic insight, if you do not mind, please.

Up until 1979 with Thatcherism, then Blairism, who were Globallist pawns of an evidently psychopathic World Order, our natural societal mode was 'Emergence' and now we are re-inventing the wheel, to yet again, conquer Medusa, by essentially 'going global'?

I mean, the 'Fear-porn' generated by the metaphor of 'Poly-Crisis' is actuay, triggering for us now.

Allied to this, the assumption that any individual or organisation should be responsible for another countries wellbeing, betrays our traditionally caustic, and frankly, pathological, left-hemispheric dominance.

Why should one paricular Community be responsible for another Community on the far side of our planet?

If we can not create a harmony of needs meeting resources within our families and communities, it would be perverse to focua on meeting the needs of any other children or families, surely?

Because we are programmed to care about them?

Perhaps give them fifteen percent of our Overseas Aid Budget, of say, sixteen #£€$ billion?

It is evidently utter madness, and only benefots certain arterial networks, and rarely, any needy individual.

It only appears as a many headed monster, because MSM and SM poirtray it as such, when, in reality, it all boils down to a tiny committee of earnest psychopaths, pulling our taught strings of angs,t on a twenty four hour basis.

Which is antithetical and oxymoronic to the 'Community' metaphor.

And therein lies the crux of any organisations' Achilles Heel, and a reflection of some of our personal, hidden or underlying traits of domination, which leads straight back to the Ouroboros of inter/intra competion.

What you need, is a Community Model that can be franchised and that has the most utilitarian fit, based on agreed, shared characteristics.

So, let's just abandon the 'Global Fit' model straight away in defference to the madness of Corporate Branding.

As for a management model?

I've experienced them all, and know, that in my experience as a Firefighter, and CEO, that their is only ONE leader worth following in any essential Service.

And occasjonalky monitoring or massaging this very important post, is crucial.

Because, when you intend to 'save lives' or render 'Humanitarian Service', you invest in thoughroughly vetting the correctly skilled people, and obey them, with no regard to any prospective, fragile egos.

Action by Committee was the reason. all Government Institutions, became ineffective, as well as my British Psychological Society and Social Work system.

Martin T Robertson


Mind Change Why? Limited

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